Grit : Angela Duckworth


“Grit” by Angela Duckworth explores the concept that outstanding achievement is not solely dependent on talent but is, in fact, driven by a combination of passion and persistence, which she refers to as “grit.” Here are key takeaways from the book:

1. Grit Defined:
Angela Duckworth defines grit as the combination of passion and perseverance over the long term. Grit involves having a sustained interest in and effort toward long-term goals.

2. Effort Counts Twice:
Duckworth introduces the idea that effort counts twice in the pursuit of goals. Not only does effort build skill, but it also contributes to achievement. Gritty individuals are willing to put in continuous effort despite setbacks.

3. Learning Grit:
Contrary to the belief that grit is an innate quality, Duckworth argues that grit can be learned and developed over time. It involves cultivating a growth mindset and a willingness to endure challenges.

4. The Grit Scale:
Duckworth has developed a “Grit Scale” to measure an individual’s level of grit. The scale assesses the consistency of interests and the ability to persevere in the face of setbacks.

5. Peak Performance and Grit:
The book explores insights from neuroscience and history to understand what contributes to peak performance. Duckworth discusses the importance of grit in achieving excellence and the role of deliberate practice.

6. West Point and Grit:
Duckworth takes readers to West Point Military Academy, where she explores the experiences of cadets. The challenges faced by individuals at West Point illustrate the role of grit in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

7. Grit in Education:
The author examines the role of grit in education, particularly in challenging environments. She discusses how grittier students tend to outperform their peers and explores the implications for teaching and learning.

8. Passion and Perseverance:
Duckworth emphasizes the significance of both passion and perseverance. While passion provides the direction, perseverance ensures that individuals stay committed to their goals over the long term.

9. Parenting and Grit:
The book delves into the dynamics of parenting and its impact on the development of grit in children. Duckworth discusses the balance between providing support and maintaining high standards.

10. The Hard Thing Rule:
Duckworth introduces the concept of the “Hard Thing Rule,” encouraging individuals to choose a hard, long-term goal and stick with it. The rule is aimed at fostering perseverance and resilience.

11. Personal Stories:
The book includes personal stories of high achievers, including CEOs, educators, and athletes. These stories illustrate how individuals with exceptional grit have overcome challenges to reach their goals.

12. Lifelong Interest:
Duckworth explores the idea of triggering and maintaining lifelong interest in a particular pursuit. Gritty individuals tend to stay engaged with their interests and continually seek improvement.

13. Importance of Consistency:
Consistency in effort and commitment is highlighted as a key component of grit. Duckworth argues that showing up day after day, even when motivation wanes, is crucial for long-term success.

14. The Grit Paradox:
Duckworth acknowledges the potential downsides of grit, such as stubbornness and pursuing goals that may not align with changing circumstances. The book explores the balance needed to avoid the “grit paradox.”

15. Life-Changing Insights:
“Grit” is described as a life-changing book that offers insights into the psychology of success. Duckworth’s research and observations provide valuable lessons for individuals seeking to achieve their goals.

Overall, “Grit” challenges traditional notions of talent and highlights the importance of sustained effort and passion in achieving exceptional success. It has resonated with readers seeking guidance on cultivating grit in their own lives.


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