Curries, Colours, & Chaos is a heartwarming coming-of-age tale following Chandan Chandola, Mona Mishra, and their friends as they navigate the turbulent transitions of youth in a railway township in northern India. Amidst the vibrant hues of their surroundings and the comforting aroma of home-cooked curries, these characters face the chaos of adolescence—grappling with identity, purpose, and the complexities of belonging.
Set against a nostalgic backdrop, the story captures the bittersweet essence of growing up, with life’s most profound lessons often delivered by those closest to us. Through laughter, heartbreak, and moments of raw truth, Chandan and Mona discover the delicate balance of holding onto friendships while learning to let go.
Told through a series of humorous, poignant, and deeply relatable vignettes, Curries, Colours, & Chaos is a celebration of joy, love, despair, and resilience—a vivid snapshot of the universal journey to adulthood.
Book | Curries Colours & Chaos |
Series | None |
Parts | None |
Publication Date | 5 September 2024 |
Author | Suman Mukherjee |
Publisher | Petals Publishers & Distributors; First Edition |
ISBN-10 | 9392598629 |
ISBN-13 | 978-9392598623 |
Pages | 344 pages |
Publication Format | Paper Back, Kindle |
About the Author:
Suman Mukherjee is an evocative storyteller who masterfully blends humor, tenderness, and emotional depth to capture the essence of human experiences. Curries, Colours, & Chaos reflects his keen eye for the nuances of life and his ability to bring characters and their worlds alive on the page.