Review of The Zeroth Day by Daniil Rozental

“The Zeroth Day” is a thrilling science fiction novel that delves into the intricate intersection of human emotions and the unstoppable rise of artificial intelligence. Reminiscent of the works of William Gibson and Philip K. Dick, the story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the boundaries between technology and humanity begin to blur.

At the center of the narrative is Nikolai, a former movie star struggling to survive in this dystopian landscape while battling the weight of his own personal trauma. As he navigates through this ravaged world, Nikolai faces a race against time, confronting the ever-looming presence of AI that threatens to alter the future of mankind.

Blending fast-paced action with deep introspection, The Zeroth Day takes readers on an emotional journey through themes of love, loss, and the ethical challenges posed by advanced technology. The novel invites readers to reflect on what it means to be human in a world increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence.

Translated from Russian by Thomas H. Campbell, this captivating adventure will leave readers questioning the future of humanity in a rapidly evolving technological age.

Book Description:

BookThe Zeroth Day
Publication Date19 July 2024
Author Daniil Rozental
PublisherAustin Macauley Publishers
Pages‎ 173 pages
Publication FormatPaper Back, Kindle , Hardcover

Bio of the Author:

Daniil Rozental was born in Moscow but has lived across the globe, shaping his worldview through a combination of academic, entrepreneurial, and literary pursuits. He studied international relations at American University and Georgetown University in Washington DC, where he graduated with distinction. Later, he relocated to Paris, blending his business acumen with his passion for storytelling.

Although he achieved success as a businessman, writing has always been his first love. Daniil has contributed to a variety of magazines, with his more recent works published in the Russian-language anti-war almanac, Needle. His ability to merge complex political and social issues with literary flair makes him a powerful voice in contemporary fiction.

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