Tales from The Beach House is a satirical fiction set in the quirky, sun-soaked world of contemporary South Florida. The Beach House, a dilapidated old motel, is home to a group of eccentric residents, each struggling with their personal woes and aspirations. Among them are a tennis pro at the end of his career, a love-stricken mortuary scientist, a paparazzo in search of the next big scoop, and a waitress with a knack for erotic fiction. As these characters search for success, love, and a sense of belonging, they are united in their fight to save the Beach House from a sinister developer. Through its fast-paced and witty narrative, the novel captures the spirit of South Florida with humor and heart, delivering a sharp critique of modern life and culture.
Inspired by the works of Carl Hiaasen, the book’s interconnected stories are reminiscent of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, with each chapter focusing on a different resident’s unique story while weaving together a larger narrative. With a background in celebrity journalism, James Aylott crafts Tales from The Beach House in a tabloid style that mirrors his own transatlantic experience and career in the world of Hollywood paparazzi.
Book Description:
Book | Tales from The Beach House |
Series | None |
Parts | None |
Publication Date | 14 June 2019 |
Author | James Aylott |
Publisher | Beautiful Arch |
ISBN-13 | 979-8987681206 |
Pages | 284 pages |
Publication Format | Paper Back, Kindle , Hard Cover |
Bio of the Author:
James Aylott is a former Hollywood paparazzo and supermarket tabloid photo editor. His award-winning debut novel, Tales from The Beach House, was a critical success, earning accolades such as the Gold Medal at the Florida Writers Association and 1st Place at the Midwest Book Awards. Aylott draws on his career in entertainment journalism and his life experiences, capturing the colorful and chaotic world of South Florida. Now splitting his time between Berkeley, California, and St. Louis, Missouri, Aylott continues to write fiction inspired by the characters and situations he encountered during his career and his life in these diverse settings.